OMD 5.30 was released
A new version of OMD was released.
- Thruk: update to 3.12
- LMD: update to 2.1.9
- Monitoring-Plugins: update to 2.3.5
- Gearman:
- Mod-Gearman module: update to 5.1.3
- Mod-gearman-worker-go: update to 1.3.8
- VictoriaMetrics: update to 1.93.1 (LTS)
- Prometheus:
- Grafana:
- Grafana: 10.2.3
- Thruk datasource: update to 2.0.4
- Enable wal for internal sqlite db
- Histou: update to 0.5.1
- Go builds: update to 1.21.6