Removing old Naemon logfiles
In an OMD environment Naemon writes its logfile to var/naemon/naemon.log. At midnight a logrotate job moves the logfile to the folder var/naemon/archive, renaming naemon.log to naemon.log-YYYMMDD. By default none of the archived logs is ever deleted. If your disk space is limited, you may want to discard old logs after some months or years.
Create a file ~/local/bin/purge_naemon_archive with the following content.
today=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# the oldest day in yyyymmdd format
cutoff_date=$(date -d "$today - $days_to_keep days" +%Y%m%d)
for file in "$archive_dir"/naemon.log-*
# extract the date from the filename
file_date=$(basename "$file" | cut -d '-' -f 2)
# if the file's date is older than the cutoff date, delete it
# (yyyymmdd format allows integer operations)
if [[ "$file_date" -lt "$cutoff_date" ]]
rm "$file"
Make it executable with:
chmod 755 ~/local/bin/purge_naemon_archive
Then create a cronjob by writing this line into the file ~/etc/cron.d/purge_naemon_archive:
10 0 * * * $OMD_ROOT/local/bin/purge_naemon_archive
Finally, restart the cron daemon:
omd restart crontab
Now archived logfiles will be deleted if they are older than a year. You can define your own retention period by setting the environment variable CONFIG_NAEMON_ARCHIVES_RETENTION to the number of days you want to keep the log files. (You can add the variable to ~/etc/environment)