

The host-nic command checks if all nics are connected. It’s basically the same as --select net --subselect=nic from check_vmware_esx against a host.


Besides the general options this command supports the following options:

option description
--vihost HOSTNAME (optional) the name of the HostSystem to check, if omitted the first HostSystem found is checked, which is handy if you run this check directly against the host
--maintenance-state STATE one of OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN. The status to use when the host is in maintenance mode, this defaults to UNKNOWN except when –mode maintenance, then the default is CRITICAL
--unplugged_state STATE one of OK, WARNING, CRITICAL. The status to use when a nic is in plugged state, defaults to WARNING
--banned REGEX all matching nics matching this REGEXP are ignores, can be used multiple times


check_vsphere host-nic \
	-s -u naemon@vsphere.local -nossl \
        --vihost --mode status
OK: All nics connected