
Manual Update

Manual updates usually work the same way as the initial installation. So you simply download the latest release:

Then install the file as described on the install page.

Automatic Updates

SNClient+ Automatic Updates

If possible, use the OS own solution to automatically install updates. If not, SNClient+ can install periodic update itself.


Create or edit /etc/snclient/snclient_local.ini (on windows: C:\Program Files\snclient\snclient_local.ini)

automatic updates = enabled
automatic restart = enabled

This will update SNClient+ to the latest stable release.

In case you want to use the development builds, ex. on test systems you can add the dev channel as well.

automatic updates = enabled
automatic restart = enabled
channel = stable,dev

; github token - the dev channel requires a github token to download the update
github token = GITHUB-TOKEN...

In order to use the dev channel, you need to create a github token here: github.com/settings/tokens

Unfortunately it is not possible to download the build artifacts without a token.

Debian / Ubuntu

On Debian and Ubuntu you can make use of the unattended-upgrades package.

Install the package:

#> apt install unattended-upgrades

Once installed you can add labs.consol.de to the list of sites used for automatic updates:


Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {
    // extend origin patterns with the labs repository

Then activate periodic updates by adding a cronjob entry to the root crontab:

#> crontab -e

And add:

0 * * * * /usr/bin/apt-get -qq update && /bin/bash -lc "/usr/bin/unattended-upgrade"

To install updates every full hour.

Or see the wiki.debian.org for other ways.