
Filter can be uses to select specific objects from a result list. So if a filter is specified, only those elements matching the filter will be considered when building the final result.

The same syntax is used for warning/critical/ok thresholds, except when used as threshold, the corresponding status will be set.


All filter follow the syntax <attribute> <operator> <value>. For a list and explanation of allowed operators see the operator list.

The list of possible attributes is documented along with each check plugin.


filter="status = 'started'"

Default Filter

Some checks do have default filter, which will be used if no filter is supplied as check argument.

Default filter are documented along with each check plugins.

The default filter can be unset by using a none filter, ex.:


Default filter will be overwritten if a new filter is set.

Existing default filter can be extended by using a filter+="..." syntax, ex.:

filter+="status = 'started'"

Logical Operator

To combine multiple filter you can use logical operator and brackets.

Operator Alias Description
and && Logical and operator
or || Logical or operator


filter="(status = 'started' or status = 'pending') and usage > 5%"


Operator Alias Types Description
= ==, is, eq Strings, Numbers Matches on exact equality, ex.: status = 'started'
!= is not, ne Strings, Numbers Matches if value is not exactly equal. ex.: 5 != 3
like Strings Matches if value contains the condition (substring match), ex.: status like "pend"
unlike not like Strings Matches if value does not contain the substring, ex.: status unlike "stopped"
ilike Strings Matches a case insensitive substring, ex.: name ilike "WMI"
not ilike Strings Matches if a case insensitive substring cannot be found, ex.: name not ilike "WMI"
~ regex, regexp Strings Performs a regular expression match, ex.: status ~ '^pend'
!~ not regex, not regexp Strings Performs a inverse regular expression match, ex.: status !~ 'stop'
~~ regexi, regexpi Strings Performs a case insensitive regular expression match, ex.: status ~~ '^pend'. An alternative way is to use //i as in status ~ /^pend/i
!~~ not regexi, not regexpi Strings Performs a inverse case insensitive regular expression match, ex.: status !~~ 'stop'
< lt Numbers Matches lower than numbers, ex.: usage < 5%
<= le Numbers Matches lower or equal numbers, ex.: usage <= 5%
> gt Numbers Matches greater than numbers, ex.: usage > 5%
>= ge Numbers Matches greater or equal numbers, ex.: usage >= 5%
in Strings Matches if element is in list ex.: status in ('start', 'pending')
not in Strings Matches if element is not in list ex.: status not in ('stopped', 'starting')