
This builtin check command wraps the check_tcp plugin from


Windows Linux FreeBSD MacOSX


Default check

check_tcp -H
TCP OK - 0.095 seconds response time on port 80


Application Options:
      --service=              Service name. e.g. ftp, smtp, pop, imap and so on
  -H, --hostname=             Host name or IP Address
  -p, --port=                 Port number
  -s, --send=                 String to send to the server
  -e, --expect-pattern=       Regexp pattern to expect in server response
  -q, --quit=                 String to send server to initiate a clean close of the connection
  -S, --ssl                   Use SSL for the connection.
  -U, --unix-sock=            Unix Domain Socket
      --no-check-certificate  Do not check certificate
  -t, --timeout=              Seconds before connection times out (default: 10)
  -m, --maxbytes=             Close connection once more than this number of bytes are received
  -d, --delay=                Seconds to wait between sending string and polling for response
  -w, --warning=              Response time to result in warning status (seconds)
  -c, --critical=             Response time to result in critical status (seconds)
  -E, --escape                Can use \n, \r, \t or \ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. By default, nothing added to send, \r\n
                              added to end of quit
  -W, --error-warning         Set the error level to warning when exiting with unexpected error (default: critical). In the case of request succeeded,
                              evaluation result of -c option eval takes priority.
  -C, --expect-closed         Verify that the port/unixsock is closed. If the port/unixsock is closed, OK; if open, follow the ErrWarning flag. This option
                              only verifies the connection.

Help Options:
  -h, --help                  Show this help message