Common Check Arguments

Option Description
filter Filter for which items to check
filter+ Same as filter but extend default filter instead of overwriting it.
warning Threshold when to generate a warning state
warn Short alias for warning
warning+ Same as warning but extend default warning instead of overwriting it
critical Threshold when to generate a critical state
crit Short alias for critical
critical+ Same as critical but extend default critical instead of overwriting it
ok Threshold when to generate an ok state
top-syntax Top level syntax.
ok-syntax Syntax used for ok states.
empty-syntax Template syntax used when no item matches a filter.
empty-state Status to return when no items matches the filter.
detail-syntax Detailed syntax for list items.
perf-syntax Performance data syntax.
perf-config Performance data tweaks.


Filter for items which will be included in the check. Unwanted items will be ignored and won’t trigger a warning or critical state.


'filter=service = snclient'

Filter are explained in detail here: check filter


Extend default filter.


'filter+=service = snclient'


Filter which sets a threshold when to generate a warning state. If any wanted item matches this filter the return state will be escalated to warning.

The syntax works the same way as filter except matching items are not removed but escalate the status to warning state.


'warn=load > 90%'


Extend default warning threshold.


'warn+=load > 90%'


Filter which sets a threshold when to generate a critical state. If any wanted item matches this filter the return state will be escalated to critical.

The syntax works the same way as filter except matching items are not removed but escalate the status to critical state.


'crit=load > 98%'


Extend default critical threshold.


'crit+=load > 90%'


Filter which sets a threshold when to generate an ok state. If any wanted item matches this filter its state will be reset to ok regardless of its previous state.

The syntax works the same way as filter except matching items are not removed but the status is reset to ok state.


'ok=enabled = 0'


Status to be returned when no item matches the filter. If no filter is given this won’t happen.




Sets the output format template for the return message. Can include text as well as special keywords that will be replaced by information from the check.

Details are explained on the template syntax page.


'top-syntax=%(status) - %(crit_list)'


Overrides the top-syntax if the state is OK. Can include text as well as special keywords that will be replaced by information from the check.

Details are explained on the template syntax page.


'ok-syntax=%(status) - everything is fine'


Sets the format for the return message if no item matched the filter. Overrides the top-syntax template for empty lists.

Details are explained on the template syntax page.


'empty-syntax=%(status) - nothing found'


Sets the format for each individual list item in the message.

Details are explained on the template syntax page.


'detail-syntax=%(name): Memory: %(mem:h) - CPU: %(cpu)%'


Sets the format for the base names of the performance data. The default is %(key).


'perf-syntax=%(key | lc)'


Apply tweaks to performance data, like unit conversion.

perf-config syntax is explained in detail here: Perf Config



Common Filter Attributes

Attribute Description
status The returned status (OK/WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN)
count Number of items matching the filter.
total Total number of items
list List of all items matching the filter.
ok_count Number of items that are ok
ok_list List of items that are ok
warn_count Number of items that matched the warning threshold
warn_list List of items that matched the warning threshold
crit_count Number of items that matched the critical threshold
crit_list List of items that matched the critical threshold
problem_count Number of items that matched either warning or critical threshold
problem_list List of items that matched either warning or critical threshold