

The host-service checks the services are running. Since you probably don’t have all of them running you probably want to filter the ones to check with the --allowed parameter.


Besides the general options this command supports the following options:

option description
--vihost HOSTNAME (optional) the name of the HostSystem to check, if omitted the first HostSystem found is checked, which is handy if you run this check directly against the host
--maintenance-state STATE one of OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN. The status to use when the host is in maintenance mode, this defaults to UNKNOWN
--allowed REGEX (optional) REGEX is checked against <name of service>, if REGEX doesn’t match the service is ignored
--banned REGEX (optional) REGEX is checked against <name of datastore>, if REGEX does match the service is ignored


$ check_vsphere host-services \
	-s -u naemon@vsphere.local -nossl \
        --vihost --allowed 'vpxa|ntpd|DCUI'
OK: running: 3; not running: 0
DCUI running
ntpd running
vpxa running
$ check_vsphere host-services \
	-s -u naemon@vsphere.local -nossl \
        --vihost --allowed 'snmpd'
CRITICAL: running: 3; not running: 1
snmpd not running
DCUI running
ntpd running
vpxa running