

The vsan command provides checks against the vSAN system of a vcenter. Host endpoints are currently not supported.


Unfortunately the vSAN API is not available as open source. So there is manual intervention needed to get it working.

  1. Download the vSAN API SDK for python. You need a VMware account to do this.
  2. install defusedxml, i.e.: pip install defusedxml
  3. Copy the files bindings/vsanmgmtObjects.py and samples/vsanapiutils.py somehwere where your python can find it. For example: python3 -m site --user-site


Besides the general options this command supports the following options:

option description
--vihost HOSTNAME (optional) the name of the HostSystem to check, if omitted the first HostSystem found is checked, which is handy if you run this check directly against the host
--maintenance-state STATE one of OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN. The status to use when the host is in maintenance mode, this defaults to UNKNOWN
--mode MODE one of objecthealth, healthtest
--include REGEX (optional) REGEX is checked against the cluster name
--exclude REGEX (optional) REGEX is checked against the cluster name
--include-group REGEX (optional) only with --mode healthtest, REGEX is checked against the tests’ group name
--include-test REGEX (optional) only with --mode healthtest, REGEX is checked against the test name
--exclude-group REGEX (optional) only with --mode healthtest, REGEX is checked against the tests’ group name
--exclude-test REGEX (optional) only with --mode healthtest, REGEX is checked against the test name
--cache fetch cached data from the API when available and not outdated
--verbose show also tests the where OK

--mode healthtest

This corresponds to the following in the vcenter:

If you navigate to Cluster/Monitor/vSAN/Skyline Health you will see a sidebar with items like “Hardware compatibility”, “Online Health” and so on. These are the several group of tests (you can ignore a whole groups with --exclude-group/--include-group)

You can expand them and see the individual names of each test. These can be ignored as well (--exclude-test/--include-test).

--mode objecthealth

REGEX of --include, --exclude is matched against cluster name.

This is an in depth check of the “vSAN object health” test. It’s not very well tested yet.


$ check_vsphere vsan \
    -s vcenter.example.com -u naemon@vsphere.local \
    -m healthtest --include 'Cluster 1'