Alpine Linux


Installation packages can be found here:

Add the repository.

#> REPO=
#> wget -O \
     /etc/apk/keys/ \
#> mkdir /etc/apk/repositories.d
#> echo $REPO > /etc/apk/repositories.d/consol-labs.list

Update the package cache and install snclient.

#> apk update
#> apk add snclient

Start the service. (Eventually you want to change the config in /etc/snclient first)

#> rc-update add snclient default
#> rc-service snclient start

Note: In a alpine container you have to add the line rc_need="!dev !net" to the end of the file /etc/rc.conf, otherwise snclient will not start.


Alpine Linux by default does not have a firewall. If you want one, install it with

#> apk add ufw

The firewall should be configured to allow these ports:

  • 8443 : if you enabled the webserver (the default is enabled)
  • 5666 : if you enabled the NRPE server (disabled by default)
  • 9999 : if you enabled the Prometheus server (disabled by default)
#> ufw allow 8443/tcp
#> ufw allow 5666/tcp
#> ufw allow 9999/tcp


#> apk del snclient