
General omd commands

A few omd commands work without context and can be run by any user:

omd help%> omd helpShow general help.
omd version%> omd versionDisplay the currently used version of this site.
omd versions%> omd versionsList all available versions on this host.
omd sites%> omd sitesShow list of sites.

Root user commands

These commands are reserved for the root user:

omd setversion %> omd setversion 2.80Sets the default version which will be used by new sites.
omd create %> omd create exampleCreate a new site (-u UID, -g GID)
omd rm %> omd rm exampleRemove a site (and all its data)
omd disable %> omd disable exampleDisable a site (stop it, unmount tmpfs, remove Apache hook)
omd enable %> omd enable exampleEnable a site (reenable a formerly disabled site)
omd mv %> omd mv sitea sitebRename a site.
omd cp %> omd cp sitea sitebMake a copy of a site.
omd su %> omd su exampleRun a shell as a site-user.
omd restore %> omd restore /tmp/backup.tgzRestore site from backup.

Site user commands

Daily tasks should be done by the site user with these commands:

omd update%> omd updateUpdate site to newest installed version of OMD.
omd -V update%> omd -V 1.30 updateUpdate site to this version.
omd start%> omd startStart all services of this site.
omd start %> omd start apacheStart one specific service of this site.
omd stop%> omd stopStop all services of this site.
omd stop %> omd stop apacheStop one specific service of this site.
omd reload%> omd reloadReload all services of this site.
omd reload %> omd reload apacheReload one specific service of this site.
omd status%> omd statusDisplay status all services of this site.
omd status %> omd status apacheDisplay status one specific service of this site.
omd config%> omd configShow and set site configuration parameters.
omd backup %> omd backup /tmp/site.tgzCreate a backup of this site.

Bash Completion: Latest OMD-Labs comes with bash-completion, so you can tab-complete most commands and arguments.