

This command checks remaining capacity on the datastores, and if they are accessible. This is known as --select volumes from check_vmware_esx.


Besides the general options this command supports the following options:

--allowed REGEX(optional) REGEX is checked against <name of datastore>, if REGEX doesn’t match the snapshot is ignored
--banned REGEX(optional) REGEX is checked against <name of datastore>, if REGEX does match the snapshot is ignored
--vimtype VIMTYPEthe object type to check, see common options, currently HostSystem and ClusterComputeResource are supported here, if omitted all datastores are checked
--vimname VIMNAMEname of the vimtype object, see common options
--critical CRITICALcritical threshold, see common options
--warning WARNINGwarning threshold, see common options
--metric METRICthe name of the metric to check, can be one of usage, used, free.
used and free can be suffixed by a unit (B, kB, MB, GB), like free_MB or used_GB.
if omitted it defaults to usage, which is (100 * used/capacity)

In case of --vimtype HostSystem it may be useful to omit the --vimname when you run this command directly against the HostSystem (not through the vcenter).


# notify volumes that have less than 10GB left
check_vsphere datastores -nossl \
  -s \
  -u naemon@vsphere.local \
  --metric free_GB \
  --critical 10: \
  --vimtype HostSystem \
# notify volumes that have a usage of 90%
check_vsphere datastores -nossl \
  -s \
  -u naemon@vsphere.local \
  --critical 90