General Options

-s HOST, --host HOSTvSphere service address to connect to
-o PORT, --port PORTPort to connect on
-u USER, --user USERUser name to use when connecting to host
-p PASSWORD, --passwordPassword to use when connecting to host, can also be set by env VSPHERE_PASS
-nossl, --disable-ssl-verificationDisable ssl host certificate verification
--sessionfile FILEit caches sessionId in FILE to avoid logging in and out so much

Common Options

--vihost VIHOSTname of the ESXi Host as seen by the vCenter
--vimtype VIMTYPEthe object type to check,
it’s a managed entity like: HostSystem, Datacenter or VirtualMachine
--vimname VIMNAMEthe name of the ManagedEntity of vimtype
--warning WARNINGwarning threshold
--critical CRITICALcritical threshold

Environment Variables

CONNECT_NOFAILif set a connection error exits with status OK
TIMEOUTGlobal timeout of the plugin in seconds, defaults to 30
VSPHERE_PASSdefault value for --password option