Checks the memory usage on the host.
There are several types of memory that can be checked:
physical: physical memory
swap: swap memory (pagefile on windows)
committed: committed memory as shown in the windows task manager (windows only, basically this is the physical + swap)
virtual: available windows virtual address space (windows only)
read more on windows virtual address space:
Windows | Linux | FreeBSD | MacOSX |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Default Check
OK - physical = 6.98 GiB, committed = 719.32 MiB|...
Changing the return syntax to get more information:
check_memory 'top-syntax=${list}' 'detail-syntax=${type} free: ${free} used: ${used} size: ${size}'
physical free: 35.00 B used: 7.01 GiB size: 31.09 GiB, committed free: 27.00 B used: 705.57 MiB size: 977.00 MiB |...
Example using NRPE and Naemon
Naemon Config
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$
define service {
host_name testhost
service_description check_memory
use generic-service
check_command check_nrpe!check_memory!'warn=used > 80%' 'crit=used > 90%'
Argument Defaults
Argument | Default Value |
warning | used > 80% |
critical | used > 90% |
empty-state | 0 (OK) |
empty-syntax | |
top-syntax | %(status) - ${list} |
ok-syntax | |
detail-syntax | %(type) = %(used)/%(size) (%(used_pct | fmt=%.1f )%) |
Check Specific Arguments
Argument | Description |
type | Type of memory to check. Default: physical,committed (win) or physical,swap (other) |
Filter Keywords
these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):
Attribute | Description |
used bytes with the type as key | |
type | checked type, either ‘physical’ or ‘committed’, ‘swap’ or ‘virtual’ (windows only) |
used | Used memory in human readable bytes (IEC) |
used_bytes | Used memory in bytes (IEC) |
used_pct | Used memory in percent |
free | Free memory in human readable bytes (IEC) |
free_bytes | Free memory in bytes (IEC) |
free_pct | Free memory in percent |
size | Total memory in human readable bytes (IEC) |
size_bytes | Total memory in bytes (IEC) |