

Checks the icmp ping connection.


Windows Linux FreeBSD MacOSX


Default Check

check_ping host=localhost
OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.113ms |...

Example using NRPE and Naemon

Naemon Config

define command{
    command_name         check_nrpe
    command_line         $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$

define service {
    host_name            testhost
    service_description  check_ping
    use                  generic-service
    check_command        check_nrpe!check_ping!'warn=rta > 1000 || pl > 30' 'crit=rta > 5000 || pl > 80'

Argument Defaults

Argument Default Value
filter none
warning rta > 1000 || pl > 30
critical rta > 5000 || pl > 80
empty-state 3 (UNKNOWN)
empty-syntax %(status) - could not get any ping data
top-syntax %(status) - ${list}
detail-syntax Packet loss = ${pl}%{{ IF rta != ’’ }}, RTA = ${rta}ms{{ END }}

Check Specific Arguments

Argument Description
-4 Force using IPv4.
-6 Force using IPv6.
host host name or ip address to ping
packets number of ICMP ECHO packets to send (default: 5)


Filter Keywords

these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):

Attribute Description
host_name host name ping was sent to.
ttl time to live.
sent number of packets sent.
received number of packets received.
rta average round trip time.
pl packet loss in percent.