Checks the state and metrics of one or multiple processes.
Windows | Linux | FreeBSD | MacOSX |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Default Check
OK - 417 processes. |'count'=417;;;0
Check specific process(es) by name (adding some metrics as well)
check_process \
process=httpd \
warn='count < 1 || count > 10' \
crit='count < 0 || count > 20' \
top-syntax='%{status} - %{count} processes, memory %{rss|h}B, cpu %{cpu:fmt=%.1f}%, started %{oldest:age|duration} ago'
WARNING - 12 processes, memory 62.58 MB, started 01:11h ago |...
If zero is a valid threshold, set thresholds accordingly
check_process process=qemu warn='count < 0 || count > 10' crit='count < 0 || count > 20'
OK - no processes found with this filter.
In case you want to check if a given process is NOT running use something like:
check_process process=must_not_run.exe 'crit=count>0' warn=none
OK - no processes found with this filter.
Example using NRPE and Naemon
Naemon Config
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$
define service {
host_name testhost
service_description check_process
use generic-service
check_command check_nrpe!check_process!warn='count <= 0 || count > 10' crit='count <= 0 || count > 20'
Argument Defaults
Argument | Default Value |
warning | count = 0 |
critical | state = ‘stopped’ or count = 0 |
empty-state | 2 (CRITICAL) |
empty-syntax | %(status) - no processes found with this filter. |
top-syntax | %(status) - ${problem_list} |
ok-syntax | %(status) - all %{count} processes are ok. |
detail-syntax | ${exe}=${state} |
Check Specific Arguments
Argument | Description |
process | The process to check, set to * to check all. (Case insensitive) Default: * |
timezone | Sets the timezone for time metrics (default is local time) |
Filter Keywords
these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):
Attribute | Description |
process | Name of the executable (without path) |
exe | Name of the executable (without path) |
filename | Name of the executable with path |
command_line | Full command line of process |
state | Current state (windows: started, stopped, hung - linux: idle, lock, running, sleep, stop, wait and zombie) |
creation | Start time of process |
pid | Process id |
uid | User if of process owner (linux only) |
username | User name of process owner (linux only) |
cpu | CPU usage in percent |
virtual | Virtual memory usage in bytes |
rss | Resident memory usage in bytes |
pagefile | Swap memory usage in bytes |
oldest | Unix timestamp of oldest process |
peak_pagefile | Peak swap memory usage in bytes (windows only) |
handles | Number of handles (windows only) |
kernel | Kernel time in seconds (windows only) |
peak_virtual | Peak virtual size in bytes (windows only) |
peak_working_set | Peak working set in bytes (windows only) |
user | User time in seconds (windows only) |
working_set | Working set in bytes (windows only) |