

Checks the state and metrics of one or multiple processes.


Windows Linux FreeBSD MacOSX


Default Check

OK - 417 processes. |'count'=417;;;0

Check specific process(es) by name (adding some metrics as well)

check_process \
    process=httpd \
    warn='count < 1 || count > 10' \
    crit='count < 0 || count > 20' \
    top-syntax='%{status} - %{count} processes, memory %{rss|h}B, cpu %{cpu:fmt=%.1f}%, started %{oldest:age|duration} ago'
WARNING - 12 processes, memory 62.58 MB, started 01:11h ago |...

If zero is a valid threshold, set thresholds accordingly

check_process process=qemu warn='count < 0 || count > 10' crit='count < 0 || count > 20'
OK - no processes found with this filter.

In case you want to check if a given process is NOT running use something like:

check_process process=must_not_run.exe 'crit=count>0' warn=none
OK - no processes found with this filter.

Example using NRPE and Naemon

Naemon Config

define command{
    command_name         check_nrpe
    command_line         $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$

define service {
    host_name            testhost
    service_description  check_process
    use                  generic-service
    check_command        check_nrpe!check_process!warn='count <= 0 || count > 10' crit='count <= 0 || count > 20'

Argument Defaults

Argument Default Value
warning count = 0
critical state = ‘stopped’ or count = 0
empty-state 2 (CRITICAL)
empty-syntax %(status) - no processes found with this filter.
top-syntax %(status) - ${problem_list}
ok-syntax %(status) - all %{count} processes are ok.
detail-syntax ${exe}=${state}

Check Specific Arguments

Argument Description
process The process to check, set to * to check all. (Case insensitive) Default: *
timezone Sets the timezone for time metrics (default is local time)


Filter Keywords

these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):

Attribute Description
process Name of the executable (without path)
exe Name of the executable (without path)
filename Name of the executable with path
command_line Full command line of process
state Current state (windows: started, stopped, hung - linux: idle, lock, running, sleep, stop, wait and zombie)
creation Start time of process
pid Process id
uid User if of process owner (linux only)
username User name of process owner (linux only)
cpu CPU usage in percent
virtual Virtual memory usage in bytes
rss Resident memory usage in bytes
pagefile Swap memory usage in bytes
oldest Unix timestamp of oldest process
peak_pagefile Peak swap memory usage in bytes (windows only)
handles Number of handles (windows only)
kernel Kernel time in seconds (windows only)
peak_virtual Peak virtual size in bytes (windows only)
peak_working_set Peak working set in bytes (windows only)
user User time in seconds (windows only)
working_set Working set in bytes (windows only)