service (windows)


Checks the state of one or multiple windows services.

There is a specific check_service for linux as well.


Windows Linux FreeBSD MacOSX


Default Check

Checking all services except some excluded ones:

check_service exclude=edgeupdate exclude=RemoteRegistry
OK - All 15 service(s) are ok |'count'=15;;;0 'failed'=0;;;0

Checking a single service:

check_service service=dhcp
OK - All 1 service(s) are ok.

Example using NRPE and Naemon

Naemon Config

define command{
    command_name         check_nrpe
    command_line         $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$

define service {
    host_name            testhost
    service_description  check_service
    use                  generic-service
    check_command        check_nrpe!check_service!service=dhcp

Argument Defaults

Argument Default Value
filter none
warning state != ‘running’ && start_type = ‘delayed’
critical state != ‘running’ && start_type = ‘auto’
empty-state 3 (UNKNOWN)
empty-syntax %(status) - No services found
top-syntax %(status) - %(crit_list), delayed (%(warn_list))
ok-syntax %(status) - All %(count) service(s) are ok.
detail-syntax ${name}=${state} (${start_type})

Check Specific Arguments

Argument Description
exclude List of services to exclude from the check (mainly used when service is set to *)
service Name of the service to check (set to * to check all services). Default: *


Filter Keywords

these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):

Attribute Description
name The name of the service
service Alias for name
desc Description of the service
state The state of the service, one of: stopped, starting, stopping, running, continuing, pausing, paused or unknown
pid The pid of the service
created Date when service was started
age Seconds since service was started
rss Memory rss in bytes
vms Memory vms in bytes
cpu CPU usage in percent
delayed If the service is delayed, can be 0 or 1
classification Classification of the service, one of: kernel-driver, system-driver, service-adapter, driver, service-own-process, service-shared-process, service or interactive
start_type The configured start type, one of: boot, system, delayed, auto, demand, disabled or unknown