service (windows)
Checks the state of one or multiple windows services.
There is a specific check_service for linux as well.
Windows | Linux | FreeBSD | MacOSX |
✅ |
Default Check
Checking all services except some excluded ones:
check_service exclude=edgeupdate exclude=RemoteRegistry
OK - All 15 service(s) are ok |'count'=15;;;0 'failed'=0;;;0
Checking a single service:
check_service service=dhcp
OK - All 1 service(s) are ok.
Example using NRPE and Naemon
Naemon Config
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$
define service {
host_name testhost
service_description check_service
use generic-service
check_command check_nrpe!check_service!service=dhcp
Argument Defaults
Argument | Default Value |
filter | none |
warning | state != ‘running’ && start_type = ‘delayed’ |
critical | state != ‘running’ && start_type = ‘auto’ |
empty-state | 3 (UNKNOWN) |
empty-syntax | %(status) - No services found |
top-syntax | %(status) - %(crit_list), delayed (%(warn_list)) |
ok-syntax | %(status) - All %(count) service(s) are ok. |
detail-syntax | ${name}=${state} (${start_type}) |
Check Specific Arguments
Argument | Description |
exclude | List of services to exclude from the check (mainly used when service is set to *) |
service | Name of the service to check (set to * to check all services). Default: * |
Filter Keywords
these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):
Attribute | Description |
name | The name of the service |
service | Alias for name |
desc | Description of the service |
state | The state of the service, one of: stopped, starting, stopping, running, continuing, pausing, paused or unknown |
pid | The pid of the service |
created | Date when service was started |
age | Seconds since service was started |
rss | Memory rss in bytes |
vms | Memory vms in bytes |
cpu | CPU usage in percent |
delayed | If the service is delayed, can be 0 or 1 |
classification | Classification of the service, one of: kernel-driver, system-driver, service-adapter, driver, service-own-process, service-shared-process, service or interactive |
start_type | The configured start type, one of: boot, system, delayed, auto, demand, disabled or unknown |