

Check status of scheduled jobs


Windows Linux FreeBSD MacOSX


Default Check

OK - All tasks are ok

Example using NRPE and Naemon

Naemon Config

define command{
    command_name         check_nrpe
    command_line         $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$

define service {
    host_name            testhost
    service_description  check_tasksched
    use                  generic-service
    check_command        check_nrpe!check_tasksched!'crit=exit_code != 0'

Argument Defaults

Argument Default Value
filter enabled = true
warning exit_code != 0
critical exit_code < 0
empty-state 1 (WARNING)
empty-syntax %(status) - No tasks found
top-syntax %(status) - ${problem_list}
ok-syntax %(status) - All tasks are ok
detail-syntax ${folder}/${title}: ${exit_code} != 0

Check Specific Arguments

Argument Description
timezone Sets the timezone for time metrics (default is local time)


Filter Keywords

these can be used in filters and thresholds (along with the default attributes):

Attribute Description
application Name of the application that the task is associated with
comment Comment or description for the work item
creator Creator of the work item
enabled Flag wether this job is enabled (true/false)
exit_code The last jobs exit code
exit_string The last jobs exit code as string
folder Task folder
has_run True if this task has ever been executed
max_run_time Maximum length of time the task can run
most_recent_run_time Most recent time the work item began running
priority Task priority
title Task title
hidden Indicates that the task will not be visible in the UI (true/false)
missed_runs Number of times the registered task has missed a scheduled run
task_status Task status as string
next_run_time Time when the registered task is next scheduled to run
parameters Command line parameters for the task