
SNClient+ tries hard to be backwards compatible with the NSClient++, however there are a couple of things different. Some things which seemed useful and do no harm, others do not make sense anymore.

So here is a list of things different to NSClient++.



The way SNClient reads the ini files is different and more intuitive. Config files will be read from top to bottom and if the same value is encountered again it will be overwritten. The last value wins.

That way you can have a default config with all default values and use a simple include at the end to customize local settings.

Included files from [/includes] are evaluated directly in the order of appearance.

SNClient supports wildcards and folders in includes as well, for example:

custom = local_*.ini
confd  = conf.d/

Performance Data

Threshold Ranges


SNClient+ supports standard monitoring-plugins compatible performance data as described in the official plugin developer guidelines.

In addition to standard thresholds, SNClient+ added support for ranges, ex.: 10:20 or @10:20.

See examples here: threshold format

It is advised to always use the latest check_nsc_web plugin to do the checks. Previous releases did not fully support those ranges.



All bytes related performance data uses bytes in the performance data now.

SI Units


SNClient uses IEC units if possible. This means for example:

GB  = 1000000000 bytes (base 10) 1000^3
GiB = 1073741824 bytes (base 2)  1024^3
Gb  = same as GiB
G   = same as GB



The perf-config option has been simplified. Multiple config options are applied in order and only the first match is applied.

A detailed description can be found on the performance configuration page.

SNClients perf-config has an additional magic option to apply a magic factor.

Allow Arguments Handling


SNClient allows arguments from alias definitions, even if allow arguments is not allowed. Only additional arguments are not allowed in this case.

Ex.: this works, even with allow arguments disabled.

[/settings/external scripts/alias]
alias_test = check_cpu warn=load=80 crit=load=90

Allow Nasty Characters Handling


In addition to the existing characters, SNClient does not allow the $ character.

The list of not allowed nasty characters is therefore:


Change the list of nasty chars with the nasty characters configuration option.

nasty characters = $|`&><'\"\\[]{}

Allowed Hosts Handling


The allowed hosts configuration is available for all network services, not only NRPE. The REST webserver can make use of it as well.

TLS/SSL Configuration


The tls configuration has been simplified. Instead of setting specific ciphers, you can now set a minimum required tls version.


tls min version = "tls1.3"

Allowing tls 1.2 or higher (default) disables known insecure ciphers. Allowing tls lower than 1.2 enables all ciphers.



SNClient supports using hashed passwords in the configuration file.

%> snclient hash
enter password to hash or hit ctrl+c to exit.
<entering password>
hash sum: SHA256:9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08

Then use this hash as password:

password = SHA256:9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08


Check specific changes and enhancements:



The check_service adds memory and cpu metrics if the service is running.

check_service service=snclient
OK - All 1 service(s) are ok. |'snclient'=4;;;; 'snclient rss'=12943360B;;;; 'snclient vms'=6492160B;;;; 'snclient cpu'=0%;;;;



check_files now only has one metric for access, creation and written time instead of multiple for local and utc timezones. As a replacement it has the option to set the timezone by using the timezone argument. The default is the local timezone.


check_files path=c:/windows warn=size>2MB max-depth=1 timezone=Europe/Berlin



check_tasksched also has the option to set the timezone using the timezone argument. The default is still local time.