

Stable release installation packages can be found here:

Then start the .msi installer and follow the instructions.

MSI Installer


The windows .msi package will add the firewall exceptions automatically. in case you need to re-install the firewall exception, you can run this command:

C:\Program Files\snclient> .\snclient.exe install firewall

If you don’t need the exceptions anymore, there is an uninstall command as well:

C:\Program Files\snclient> .\snclient.exe uninstall firewall

MSI Installation Parameters

Running the .msi installer manually lets you choose some basic options. The idea here is to set the ports, so the following firewall setup will know which ports to open.

All none basic options should go into a local custom ini file which can be provided during installation as well.

Installing the msi from the terminal with msiexec.exe provides those options as public property.


msiexec.exe /i snclient.msi /l*V snclient_installer.log /qn PASSWORD="test" INCLUDES="https://company.local/snclient_local.ini"

Installs the .msi and logs everything into the snclient_installer.log logfile. It also sets the initial password and includes a ini file fetched by https.

Here is a table of all available properties:

PropertyDefault ValueDescription
INSTALLDIRC:\Program Files\snclientSet custom install location.
INCLUDESAdds include files to the /Includes section.
ALLOWEDHOSTS127.0.0.1, ::1Sets the ‘allowed hosts’.
PASSWORDCHANGEMESets the password (will be written to the .ini encrytped).
WEBSERVER1Enable/Disable the REST web server.
WEBSERVERPORT8443Set port for web server.
WEBSERVERSSL1Enable/Disable TLS/SSL for the web server.
NRPESERVER0Enable/Disable the NRPE server.
NRPESERVERPORT5666Set port for NRPE server.
NRPESERVERSSL1Enable/Disable TLS/SSL for the NRPE server.
PROMETHEUSSERVER0Enable/Disable the Prometheus web server.
PROMETHEUSSERVERPORT9999Set port for prometheus web server.
PROMETHEUSSERVERSSL0Enable/Disable TLS/SSL for the Prometheus web server.

To install snclient into a custom folder automated, use the following command:

msiexec.exe /i snclient.msi /qn INSTALLDIR="D:\Apps\snclient"


Uninstall is available either by starting the snclient.msi installer again. If the installer has the same version as the installed one, it will offer a uninstall` option.

Another way is to use the windows software center and uninstall the agent from there.