The exporter exporter is a simple reverse proxy for prometheus exporters not managed by SNClient.
It makes multiple exporters accessible via a single proxy url.
Example configuration:
ExporterExporterServer = enabled
; port - Port to use for exporter_exporter.
port = 8443
; use ssl - This option controls if SSL will be enabled.
use ssl = true
; url prefix - set prefix to provided urls
url prefix = /
; modules dir - set folder with yaml module definitions
modules dir = ${shared-path}/exporter_modules
The exporter uses the standard http settings with an additional modules dir
configure the exported modules.
For compatibility reasons, the modules itself are in yaml format as described on github.
A simple http exporter module file could look like:
method: http
port: 9100
path: '/metrics'
No Verification
This module basically works the same as the standalone exporter exporter, except it does not implement verification. Files and requests are passed through as is and not checked if it contains valid prometheus metrics.
Changed Index Path
Since this exporter exporter (optionally) shares the web server with the rest of
the SNClient, the /
url path is in use already. The available exporter
modules can therefore be requested with the /list